Thursday, May 19, 2011

Swallow a quarter?

Well u know it's bad when Keri was contemplating swallowing a quarter last night to
Get out of going to class !!!! We were laughing soo hard at how desperate we have become !!! We have at least expanded our thoughts and really become creative. :)

Ker and I had a wonderful weekend despite not being able to leave the state. U can only get so many hall passes. We cried all day Friday and were feeling very sorry for ourselves. But luckily were rescued by two sweet guys who decided they did not want to hear us whine anymore and surprised us an showed up in LA. I have to admit that we have enjoyed our weekends in Cali. I spent a great weekend in La Jolla relaxing, studying, eating, shopping, looking at art and walks on the beach. Nothing better after a long stressful week. Ker stayed in manhattan bch, took a bike ride, studied on the beach , visited the laundramat, shopped, ate, and sleptin !!!
Just what we needed :)

Monday started off the same.... It's like the movie groundhog day ...the alarm goes off and we jump into yoga action. Unfortunately Bikram was in the mood for a few
Late night movies so we are operating on little sleep :).

We are halfway through the week and almost done with week five. Yesterday was our halfway point !!!!

We still wonder each day if we
will survive :). That is a never-ending question !!!

Thank u as always for all the luv and support.

We have made wonderful new friends who have made this process bearable. I'm sure we will all look back on this experience and laugh !!!! Or cry !!

Peace and luv. Thank u for the positive energy !!!!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Keri fights back with her mat !!!

Well where to begin ...... We watched a very interesting movie until 3 in the morning with subtitles from India. I'm not quite sure what it was about as we nodded on and off to sleep , but I'm pretty sure it was made in the early days I'd cinematography :). It was slightly like a soap opera in India.

And that leads to the next event ...... 8 am on our mats and everyone exhausted and on edge. So ker gets her mat out on her line and some girl full of compassion starts yelling at her about how she moved her mat etc. Because afterall.... I'm sure she is entitled to a
Certain spot :). Ha ha.

So ker being the nice person she is got her
mat and moved. But it did noted there. Lucky for us we ran into her in the stairwell and ker gave her a piece of her mind :). We are learning compassion here :). Don't steal our peace please :)

Anatomy yesterday consisted of learning about " farting" and the reproductive system ... Mainly the rythmn method. I think we needed that lecture 20 years ago and
11 kids later :)

The highlight of our night was when every visiting teacher stood up to introduce themselves and told us that we
Are all rockstars because it was the hottest room they have ever been in:). I was beginning to think it was all in my head:

Bikram is back.... Need I say more??? Our yoga class yesterday was 21/2 hours long and.... I don't think I have ever laughed soo hard. Bikram was on a roll. I would share but would not even know where to begin. He did
However remind us that we are bulletproof,fireproof, moneyproof,sexproof,waterproof. We are becoming tough :).

All in all, we lean on our friends here, and feel love from our friends that are not with us and we realize that bettering your life is always good.

Peace and luv.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Kill pain with pain !!!!

So week 4 is almost over !!!!!! Thankfully :). We have completed 39 90 minute blasting hot
Yoga classes. Yesterday only 7 people were carried out so I
Guess you could say we are getting used to it since we were not one of the seven:). However we are sore and injured and wondering if we will ever be able to do all 26 postures together again. We are laughing at the thought of teaching a
Class and tling everyone to put their forehead to the floor when we can no longer bend from the

Keri got her first makeup class on Saturday because
she forgot to sign in at late night lecture. She
Was told by a 25 year old that she needed to be more responsible so we are now working on our responsibility skills :). Ha ha.

We are progressing in our postures and hopefully someday will recall all this to teach a class :

We now have a dance party before every yoga class because we realized that
We needed a little motivation, and somehow Usher, and Lady GaGa and 50 cent help !!!

" everybodys working for the weekend" is what we are singing !!!!

Love and peace to all of u. We are feeling your energy and
Love :).

Monday, May 9, 2011

Week 4 is here !!!!

Soo we had a wonderful Mothers Day weekend in AZ with our family and loved ones. If this process does nothing else , it absolutely forces you to recognize the important things in life ...... Like ..... Your own soft bed, fresh air, grilled fresh food, a l
Clean shower, diet coke, and lemon curd :

Ker and I flew back last night studying on the plane for our first Anatomy test. We decided that week four is our hump week :)

So back we came greeted by friends and back to our musty hotel room :)

We miss all our yoga friends and want to give a shout out to
our Tempe and Scottsdale studio !!! We can't wait to get out of this crazy heat and start practicing with all of you again !!

A very special thanks to our wonderful teachers and owners who have been such a support to us since we have been here .... On that note .... We are going to get u back for not telling us what really happens here !!!! Jk !!

Bikram back on Wednesday ... So u might not here from us for awhile !!!

"trust the process" is what we are holding onto !!!!

Peace and luv :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Someday we will have pictures:)

We have taken lots of pics and finally figured out how
To get them on the blog
So if
we ever have some free time we will post :).

We are feverishly memorizing and passing of
Each posture day by day. It is
Starting to get very crazy.

This was our analogy today :). We love
Apple pie.... BUT if someone made us eat it twice a day for 65 days we would most likely not like it for a time .....

That makes us feel better since we were wondering why we suddenly don't like yoga :) ha ha

The schedule is becoming a bit more routine , however that hot hot room never gets easier. Keri had to be rescued and
Carried up the last flight of stairs this
Morning ..... Oh because a 90 minute
Workout isn't enough... We them walk up 9 flights of stairs:). Too many sweaty bodies in packed elevator is not fun !!!

I'm sure this hotel loves us. Between breaking the ice machines everyday, asking for
Many towels, sweating all over the place, and walking around with little clothes on... I'm sure June 18th can't come quick enough for them :).

Speaking of which ... We are almost done with week 3!!! Woo hoo. One third of the way there :). We are both coming back to sunny Arizona to spend mothers day with our sweet kids !!!!

Look forward to seeing all of you in the 24 hour window :). Much luv. Ker and jack.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

We are still alive !!!!! Barely!!!

Well needless to say .... we thought bloging would be easy at teacher trainig but anyone who has gone through it is probably laughing their heads off !!!

Here are the highlights!!!
1. The weekend.... the best part of the week !!! Ker went home and I stayed in Cali and spent the weekend playing with good company!! :) Road bikes on the beach... ate way too much food, saw a movie, went to the Getty Museum and spent the afternoon at 3rd street promenade.... ohh and watched lots of planes take off and land!!! Have to cram alot of fun in a short period of time since free time does not exist here!!

2. Took an amazing class with Bikram's wife who was intelligent, gentle, wise and encouraging.

3. Bikram is out of town.... that speaks for itself!!! No late night movies !!!! Which we have had a few more of those where we roll in at 430am andget on our mats the next day at 8 am... this place is not good for someone that requires sleep:)

4. We have made many  new friends!!!

5. Our meals mostly consist of granola bars, pretzels and vitamin water.... but we seem to make up for all the weight lost during the week on the weekends!!!!

6. We are now studying anatomy and we are realizing that science is not our best subject!!!

7. We are wearing dirty clothes since laundry is hard to come by..... never thought I would say that!!

8. We have mastered getting up as late as possible and now go to morning yoga with only our teeth brushed!!! Forget the hair!!!!

9. We have never taken so many showers and eaten so much ice in our lives !!!!

10. We are survivors and learning that your mind can take you to a good place if you let it!!!

Much love to all of you!!!! Thank you for the continuousstream of emails and messages!!! They are soo apprecitaed !!!!!  Much love   Ker and Jack

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

We are all in the same boat!!!!!!

So we tried to think of a title but our brain is fried!!! And... We are trying to stay positive. We are missing our family and friends, hungry, sore, sleepy, grumpy and hot !!!!! I guess we were on the Today show today at 8 am. We just were not great about posting that!! So check it out on the Internet !!! Luv to u all !!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

1 week down 8 to go :)

Everyday we set our alarm a little closer to class time !!! I'm sure by the end of nine weeks we will just sleep in our yoga clothes eliminating any need to get up a minute before class. We are sort of adjusting to a schedule that allows us about 5 minutes of free time a day :). We have never taken zoo many showers in our lives. I'm sure this hotel is loving all those wet towels !!!!

We took class this morning from the current world champion Brandy today. It was an amazing class although are so sore and exhausted. Bikram taught the evening class and then let us off on good behavior so no lecture till 2 in the morning. I think the game plan is to eat and sleep all weekend :).

Zoning more class in the morning and we will have survived our first week which feels like a huge accomplishment !!! So only 8 more weeks???????!!!!!:)

We are back to " it's hot in here "

Sorry we have been off the mat .... I mean map !!!! But we have been on our mat !!! Literally !!!

Day 3 we started with an amazing class taught by a student teacher named Juan !!! He got us reenergized and excited to be here. That was followed up by a very long day of " half moon dialogue which ker and I gave in front of BIKRAM and 430 teachers in training !!!!scary but good !!!! That was followed up with a very longggggg night with Bikram and a Bollywood movie which was 3 hrs long and subtitles. So back to bed at 4 am. And then up for yoga at 7. Needless to say, we are zombies!!!! The highlight of the night was meeting a very funny man from Dublin Ireland who decided to crawl under a skirted table and sleep during the movie :) genius idea !!! Too bad we didnt Think of it !!!!!!

Day 4 began with Emme, an 87 yr old spunky teacher who teaches Bikram at headquarters. She kicked our butts!!!! And then another full day of lectures , another yoga class taught by Bikram himself, and then a long night of a lecture with Bikram !!! So that catches us up !! Now we are going to try to catch up on sleep !!!! Love to u all !! We miss u !!!! We are told over and over again to "trust the process" but we are too tired to even know what that is :).

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Changing the title of our blog!!

Soo we are contemplating changing the tittle of our blog from " it's hot in here " to " we hate it here " !!!!! Well just kidding..... But saying it's hot... And hard is the understatement of the century. Let me just outline our day for you and clear up a few misconceptions. This is no relaxing yoga retreat. Bikram himself calls it Bikram's torture chamber !!!

Day 1. Started with a great lecture by Bikram who told us "you're never too old, you're never too sick, it's never too late to start from scratch".

After lecture we had our fist official class in an amazing 16000 sq ft room converted into a hot room...... Well very hot !!!!!!

So we will leave out some of the grim details but things did not go well.....but lucky for us hunky guys showed up to carry Ker out of the room. So the rest of the evening we spent recovering from the hardest class we have ever taken.

Day two

REFER to day one ...... Pretty much the same story except 2 hot classes and 8 hours of lecture.

However we have met some very kind people and the staff has been amazing. Including Bikrams secretary who invited to dinner next weekend. So we are excited about that :).

Our favorite feature of the hotel is the ice maker ..... Which normally is out of ice and we are on the 9th floor, so conveniently the third floor ice maker generally works. Zoo after a long hard day of yoga , we hike down several flights of stairs for ice .

Anyone want to join us??? We know it sounds tempting :) the mantra here is " trust the process" to be continued..........

Much love to all our friends and family for your continued support and luv.

Monday, April 18, 2011

First DAY !!!!!!!

Well we are anxiously awaiting Bikrams arrival !!!! He is interviewing right now for the Today show :). So NBC is here !!!! we are ready!!!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

We're here......!!!!!!!

Well we have already won the prize for the most stuff according to our bell captain last night !!! We asked him how to work the air conditioning and it had had an automatic fan and he said no ..... Never fear, ker whipped out her portable fan !!!we also spent an hour trying to figure the sleep number bed out and at 1 am finally called the hotel engineer who came and showed us how to hold the button down to turn it on !!! ( btw .... I don't think we got the sleep number right !!! We have a few details to iron out

Sooo.... We are off to a great start .... So excited to be here and meet our new yoga friends at orientation !!!! Thank you to all for the great emails, texts, fb messages etc full of love and support... And the many wonderful going away gifts !!! Soo sweet !!!

For whatever it is worth.... David Blane sat next to us at pf changes last night .... Gotta luv L.A.

We are excited for the weeks to come. Our journey has begun!!! Keris husband Ron was kind enough to drive us out here... And just asked ker if there was anything else he could take home with him and Ker said.... Me :). We are excited and nervous and anticipate a hard and challenging road ahead!!!! Let the memories begin :). PEACE and LUV to all.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Shout Out!!!!!

We just wanted to say thank you soooooo much to all of our yoga friends and teachers!!!!! Your words of encouragement and energy and excitement for us is so appreciated!!!!

Charles- we are sad that you are not joining us and will miss walking in and seeing your smile!!!!!
To all the teachers.... you have been an example and an inspiration to us and hopefully we will make you proud..... or embarrassed, one or the other :)

Elaina and Ben, thank you so much for supporting us and for cultivating a wonderful environment at BYT.

Andrea...... Thank you for all of your love and support and advice!!!!

And most of all ... thank you to all of our fellow yogis that sweat it out with us everyday!!! We will truly miss you and look forward to joining you again in 9 weeks.

Thanks to our family and friends who have supported us and most likely think we have lost our minds !!!!! we will convert you all to BIKRAM yoga HA HA!!! We are 24 hours away from beginning our journey!!!!! WOO HOO...... HERE WE COME!!!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Top 10 things we can do with our mixing bowl

1. Mix our peanut m&ms with the plain ones!!!
2. We can soak our feet after a long day at training
3. Throw up bowl after we get dehydrated
4. A dog dish for Mandy our yoga teacher who will be visiting
5. We can use it for back support during posture clinics
6. We can put ice in it and cool down water bottles.... or body parts!!!
7. We can pan handle to try to reimburse ourselves for the training.
8. We can fill with candy for any random trick-or-treaters...... you never know:)
9. Keri and I can draw names for who gets to take the shower first after our hot yoga sessions
10. We can take it to class for all those that are wearing green and need to discard.... (BIKRAM hates the color green!!!)

mixing bowl

Sooo, we called to find out what we should bring since there seems to be no universal packing list and we were told to bring a mixing bowl???? What are we mixing???? We will take suggestions:)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


It's finally here!!!! We are about to embark on our newest journey...... BIKRAM yoga teacher training SPRING 2011.... Los Angeles Raddison Hotel!!!! We will roll out of AZ Saturday, April 16th and make our way to Los Angeles!!!! We are running around figuring out how to get organized enough to leave 11 children behind with one Dad and one Uncle.... now that's a pair!!!!! And the kids???? they just want to know when we are leaving so the partayyyyy can begin!!!!!! Meanwhile..... trying to figure out the logistics of living in a hotel room for nine weeks with no microwave, no balcony to hang wet yoga clothes and mats,  etc etc.!!!!! But I guarantee our room will win for " best decorated" thx to Keri!!!!:) Can't Wait!!!!!